A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One Less Fish in the Sea

Regular readers will remember that I've been giving Sam fish oil to help with his skin and coat issues. Apparently Sam has taken this to heart and wants to be proactive about the whole thing.

I was working on a Gators quilt, and Sam was whining in the kitchen. So I let him into the sewing room with me, closing the doors to make sure he couldn't abscond with anything. I had the radio on, and that with the sound of the sewing machine drowned out the noise of him chewing Mom's Dory plushie from Finding Nemo. Eight quilt blocks later and this is what I find:

I found the fish, but where's the oil?

Sorry, Sam, that's not how fish oil works. Good try, though.

(This is actually the second time Sam has gone after Dory; the first time he ate her fins off, which meant I had to get Mom a replacement Dory in Orlando. Luckily the replacement Dory is still unharmed, while the original Dory has gone from maimed but functional to DNR.)

Also, notice the stuffing still sticking out of his mouth. Caught red-jowled. And the oh-so-casual crossed back legs, like all he's been doing is innocently reading a magazine. I know your tricks, dogger. Trust me, until you're seven or eight years old, you are never going to be innocent. And even then, it'll be a 50/50 chance.

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