A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sam Meets the Snakelings

WARNING: if you have a fear of snakes, you may want to skip reading this post. Don't boycott the blog, by any means, but maybe just look the other way for today.

In addition to Sam the Man (and in fact predating him by two years), I also have two pet corn snakes. I got my first one, Bernard, in August of 2008. Roger came home in January of 2009, and is younger than Bernard by six months or so. (Bernard is about 2 & 1/2 and Roger will be 2 in October.) Bernard is a male amber-phase corn snake, which means he's got a yellow base with tawny amber blotches and black outlines. Roger is the normal or wild variety, which means she has an orange base with red blotches and black outlines. Roger, by the way, is also a girl.

Our old Lab Thor got to meet Bernard over Christmas of 2008 (he never met Roger because Roger was still a spaz while Thor was alive), so I decided to let Sam meet the snakelings, too.
Thor meeting Bernard

They weren't particularly phased by Sam, but then again, these are some globetrotting snakes. They made the move with me up to Boston, spending three days in the car and getting smuggled into hotels at night, and then weathered much of the Boston winter. Then they made the move back with me, and I think they're glad to be back in humid Florida again. I know I am.

Here is Sam meeting Roger (ignore the end of the video; Mom doesn't know how to work my camera):

And here is Sam meeting Bernard. Luckily Bernard is a chill snake, because most snakes I know would not be pleased with a dog nearly eating them. I mean, Roger spazzed when Sam touched her nose. But Bernard's one cool dude, and he didn't mind.

The reptile portion of this blog is now over. If you're afraid of snakes, you may resume browsing at this time. Thank you.

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