A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today First-Coast-No-More-Homeless-Pets held their annual fundraiser at Metropolitan Park: Dogtoberfest! Of course Sam and I went, along with a couple friends of mine who wanted to meet the infamous dogger.

Sam didn't wear the banana hat this time
because he kept trying to paw it off

The event had costume contests and a trick-or-treat walk with a bunch of booths set up sponsored by pet stores, grooming boutiques, adoption agencies, and the like. Sam trick-or-treated and picked up a ton of loot. In addition to the bandanna and T-shirt (for me) he picked up for donating, he got six or seven goodie bags of different dog treat samples, some green dental treats, a bunch of coupons for dog supplies, and of course the free treats people gave him as he walked by. (As for me, I scored some lollipops and caramel creams. And a promotional pen.)
I had a checkered bowtie, but evidently it fell off at some point...

I dressed up as a soda jerk/fountain girl to match Sam's chocolate sundae costume. (And I am very proud that my entire get-up was under five dollars because I made it myself. Thank you, burgeoning sewing skills!) Most everyone who saw us thought we made a great pair. Even though we didn't win the costume contest, we still had fun dressing up and meeting all the other costumed doggers.

Waiting to see who the costume contest winner is

Every fifty feet or so were kiddie pools filled with water for dogs to drink from, most of which were kept stocked with ice. Sam, being a Labrador, felt the need to actually get in every kiddie pool we passed. Drink the water? No! He'd rather attempt to swim in it. He pawed at the ice cubes, much to the amusement of onlookers. As he was attempting to stand in a normal-sized water bowl after having dipped into three previous kiddie pools, one of the booth proprietors called out, "You can definitely tell he's a water dog!" And boy is he.

Sam in the kiddie pool

We certainly had a lot of fun. We even got our picture taken in a photo booth. And for those of you keeping track, Sam has hit the 90-lb. mark. I should know, I had to help lift him onto the platform in the photo booth. At any rate, we will definitely be returning for Dogtoberfest next year. What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

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