A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Parakeet Conspiracy

Mom has two parakeets, Pippin and Poppin. They sit by the window in the kitchen. Once Sam was tall enough to discover them, he began to sniff at their cage and generally worry them, although he's never jumped up at them or tried to eat them. Mostly he's just curious about them. The birds, however, take offense at having a large canine's slobbery head thrust against the bars of their cage every couple of days, and so they have finally exacted their revenge.

The birds have a mirror hanging in their cage, which is a favorite toy of theirs. In the early morning, when the sun comes in through that window, it reflects off the mirror. The birds have discovered that by pecking the mirror, they can make that reflected light dance on the wall, which in turns drives Sam nuts as he tries to get at it. That was how this morning was spent while I ate my cereal in sad resignation.

(Note: Click the pictures for a larger view if it's tough to make out.)


Mo-om! I'm doing important work here!

Sam goes nuts as the birds cackle to themselves in wicked glee...

I finally had to move the counter chairs over so Sam couldn't get at the light. I was worried he'd scratch up the wood like he's done on the door. I'm sure it'll be only a temporary setback for those plotting birds, though. They've got mischievous minds.

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