A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pretend It's Still Friday

I know it's technically Saturday morning, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still Friday night for me.

Tomorrow Sam and I are going to Dogtoberfest and wearing costumes, so hopefully pictures of that will be posted once I take them. Currently they do not exist.

What does exist, however, are some random pictures I took of Sam outside today. I brought out the good camera and the long-distance lens to take some pictures of a pair of hawks circling overhead, then turned the lens on Sam once they got too far away.

There really isn't any other point to this post, other than the silly Sam pictures. Enjoy.

My favorite Sam pose. "I can juuuuust reach it....!"

Basking in his own adorableness

Ack! It's the Loch Sam Monster!

This is the face I can never resist.

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