A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bath Time

Tomorrow Sam is going on a big trip to Ocala with me to visit my grandparents and some family from Texas. Out of consideration for my grandmother's floors, I decided I'd best give the ever-dirty Sam a bath.

It didn't start out well. Before I could even turn the hose on Sam made off with the shampoo bottle and chewed the cap off. He only dropped it once he started licking up the leaking shampoo and his mouth foamed up.

She can't give me a bath without the shampoo!

The broken bottle

You'd think Sam wouldn't have a problem with baths. He loves water. He's in the pool every day. He plays with the pressure washer and the sprinklers. He dives underwater for goodness' sake. But no, turn on a normal hose, and he's out of there.

Applying the shampoo


Eventually, after much gentle and not-so-gentle coaxing, I managed to scrub Sam down. He made several escape attempts, but I still managed to get him clean. Now, there's no guarantee that he'll still be clean by the time we reach Ocala tomorrow, but I just wanted to put this out there so Grandma and Pop-pop know I did try.

Oh this is humiliating

Don't look at me in my shame!

Below is a video of the last half of Sam's bath, complete with a thwarted escape attempt and a fairly good workout for me trying to get him back to the hose.

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