I'm back from Orlando! We had a great time with our Texas family, and I didn't miss Sam too badly. I staved off any wistful feelings by buying Sam-related things--a Disney dog photo frame, another photo frame with Sam's name on it, and a black doggie T-shirt that says "Got treats?" on it. I'll post those pictures tomorrow.
When I came home, Sam ran up and gave me a hug! When he jumps up, he doesn't put too much weight on his front paws; instead of completely leaning on you, he just uses you to steady himself and holds most of his weight himself on his back legs. So he ran up and jumped on me, his front paws on my waist, and I got to hug him and he licked my face and it was great! He's just so darn cute when he's not destroying things.

Hello my Sam!
I swear, though, being away for two days has made me notice how big he is. I got a lost pet alert email in my inbox (I signed up for them when I registered Sam's microchip) for a male chocolate Lab, 11 months old, 65 pounds. Sam's barely 7 months old and he weighs 75! The older he gets, the more I think I should have named him Bear or Ox or some other large animal. Elephant. Hippo. Or, given his chewing and swimming habits, The Great Chocolate Shark.

Paw/hand size comparison
It's good to be home, though. According to Dad, Sam didn't cause any mischief during my absence, which is great. Now if only I could get
him to not cause any mischief all the rest of the time...
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