A bit about us...

Sam. Sammy. Sammer. Or, more accurately, Trouble on the Hoof. These are the adventures of one ridiculous Labrador Retriever and the girl who brought him home.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Faster than a Speeding Bullet!

Sam and I have spent another relaxing afternoon on the back porch. Well, relaxing for me; for Sam it was much more productive.

You've been struck by the smooth criminal!

Before I show you what he's eaten today, here's a picture of his new ball that he popped yesterday:

Deflated in under four hours

Yep. No amount of duct tape and bungee cords can fix that.

Today Sam worked a bit more on the old pair of pool shoes on the porch; he's made quite a bit of headway with them. He's bitten off both straps and is systematically disintegrating the soles. Here's his progress so far:

Approximately 3 hours' worth of work

Pretty impressive, eh? I was getting tired of picking up the little crumbly pieces of shoe, though, so I got an old softball out and we played fetch with that for awhile. When he settled down to chew, I went back to my book. Bud and Thor used to love softballs, and while they'd occasionally skin them, they usually didn't do much more than that. Sam had the ball for maybe fifteen minutes before he'd skinned it, ripped out the threads, and eaten halfway through the cork interior. I took it away from him then because I didn't want him swallowing any of the cork bits, but really, I think trying to keep Sam from eating things he shouldn't is a lost cause.

Gone in sixty seconds

Eventually he'll learn to drag out his destruction. Ruin something too quickly, and you're bored for the rest of the day. Draw it out, and you've got entertainment for a couple of hours instead of a couple seconds. I'm sure he'll catch on in the long run. Until then, though--wait, hold on, he got a hold of a ceramic dragonfly. SAM!!


Okay. Try again. Until then, though, I'm going to have to keep tabs on him and his speed-chewing so he doesn't destroy the entire house while I'm not looking. The combination of rampant kleptomania and 0 to obliterated in under three minutes means I must always be on my toes. In the words of Mad-Eye Moody: "Vigilance!!"

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