Whoever decided the best way to start a Monday morning is with a visit to the vet (ahem BRAN) is nuts. I hope all your Mondays started out better than mine did.
Anyway I've had this rash since Friday and Bran realized yesterday that my fur was falling out around it so she took me to the vet this morning. I think it was a bit drastic to bring the vet into this. I mean really the only reason I should need to go back to the vet would be if I lost a leg or was dying or something, not some silly rash. I think Bran was just sick of vacuuming the kitchen floor twice in a weekend and so she decided there must be some medical reason behind my shedding.
Some of the rash on my leg
When we got to the vet's office I peed on her which is what I normally do in an attempt to convince her not to hurt me but she always does. She scraped my neck with this razor thingy and then scraped my leg too, as if one scraping wasn't enough. She told Bran I didn't have mites which I could have told you that but no one asks me now, do they?
Anyway the vet says my rash is a reaction from getting bitten by something like a spider or some ants. But I'm an extreme adventurer so I don't think something as wussy as a spider would do this. I'm pretty sure if I got bitten by something it was probably like a mountain lion or a tiger or a bear or something big enough to cause a rash. Not just any old animal can hurt me, you know. It had to be something ferocious.
The only good part about going to the vet besides the car rides and sticking my head out the window is the pills I get to take afterward. I lucked out this time because Bran got two sets of pills to give me for the next two weeks, which is great. I love taking pills and any dog that doesn't like pills isn't seeing the big picture. What do humans always do after they give you a pill? They give you a treat! Two sets of pills twice a day means four extra treats per day. And all I had to do was get a rash! I highly recommend rashes if your treat ration is less than adequate. Just sayin'.
Anyway I'm going to spend the day convalescing which means playing with my bear and sleeping and probably eating some more treats. Bran said something about going to see some fiddle crabs or something tomorrow, so she'll probably let you know how that goes. I dunno what a fiddle crab is but I'ma catch one.

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