As for Sam's rash, the redness isn't back, but he's still so itchy you can't even touch his back or sides without him twitching and scratching wildly. His skin has also gotten really flaky--it's like he has doggy dandruff. He's on a new medication now to help with allergies so hopefully his itching will improve soon. It's tough not to be able to pet your dog because doing so makes him uncomfortable.
Anyway, here's Sam in his new shirt from Orlando. The back says "Got treats?" which is a perfect slogan for Sam. "Treat" is one of his favorite words, along with "supper" and "bubbles."
Got treats? No, seriously, if you have treats, I need them. Medical condition.
Argh what are you doing to me??
As you can see, getting the shirt on Sam was a chore. He's only ever worn bandannas before (and a couple silly hats), so a shirt was a new experience. He didn't seem to mind it once it was on, but he was instantly preoccupied with trying to bite the edges of the shirt he could reach, and ended up tearing one of the seams. I've got a video of him grabbing his sleeve and trying to walk with it in his mouth; that'll go up later in the week.A new record for destroying things I buy him
Oh, and in case you're interested, Sam is currently wearing a 3-4XL, depending on the brand. We weighed him Saturday and he is now a hefty 77 pounds. And he isn't overweight--he doesn't have a belly and he's active. He's just big. His front legs are the same size as my forearms, and his paws are bigger than my palm.
A friend I spoke to on the phone today told me, "It looks like Sam has eaten a younger version of himself." Another friend saw the hug pictures and asked me if that was Sam; she hadn't seen him in a few months and couldn't believe it was the same dog. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's the same dog I started out with in March 60 pounds ago. And no, he isn't done growing yet. He's got at least another 5 months of growth ahead of him, and likely another year or so before he fills out completely. All the more reason to keep up his training!
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